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Tears and Laughter
Difficult reconciliations: Embracing the dream of my father during "Drive-by Theory",
a performance piece at the Gas Station Theatre during the Saint Norbert's Art Centre
conference The Multiple and Mutable SubjectPop!Tech
Tell 'em what you told 'em
In the Camden Opera House, the aftermath of a piece on remapping loci of erotic pleasure, involving a large rubber glove: When in Maine, Yours Truly takes the calm, conservative, common-sense approach, eschewing four-letter words. For this purpose she uses a small pocket eschewer which, in exchange for lightness and portability, requires each four-letter word to be eschewed three timesSanta Cruz
Home again, home again, jiggety-jig
View from our dune overlooking Monterey Bay Marine Refuge, a/k/a The Front Yard.
Home at last...and time for a bit of rest, recreation, and reflection before the next adventure.
Here's a real-time view.Previous Adventures:
Major Stop on the Sandy-Cynbe Transcontinental Drive-By Theory tour
Summer fun...
View from my studio window at the Banff Centre for the Arts,
with Cynbe (Mr. Muq) ru Taren caressing the keys at one of the SGIs.
The BanffCam is that tiny rectangle to the extreme left of the window ledge.
On my plate for this summer are a storyboard for my screenplay of
The Seventh Seal, work on two books, and a new performance piece.Apocalypse!
Heads up in the front row!
Yours Sincerely stagediving during Cyberdammerung, her performance ritual climaxing Apocalypso, the Banff Centre for the Arts' Interdisciplinary Thematic Residency on apocalypse narratives. A dedicated group of artists from the residency lent their talents to the piece, three of whom are visible in this pic.Chance: Were You There?
Wotta weekend!
Jean Baudrillard, Yours Sincerely, and interlocutor Sylvere Lotringer at
CHANCE: Three Days in the Desert with Baudrillard and Stone
Drive-by Theory pays off.![]()
I Support
Like most virtual world researchers, I've always dreamed of the (near)perfect software for constructing engaging and flexible multiple user virtual environments. Muq may be it. But Muq is more than killer code -- it's an egalitarian philosophy of how code that's meant to create community ought to be written and distributed, and the consciousness such a philosophy implies.
The Muq Project:
Gateway to the
Web-Wide World
More info here, or from Muq Headquarters, or the Protomuq Project.
Would you believe...
That's me on the left
not so long ago...And that's me on the right
after nine years with
the ACTLab!![]()
Who is Sandy Stone, anyway?
Associate Prof in the Radio-TV-Film Department, The University of Texas at Austin; Just-in-time cultural theorist; artist; performer; Goddess of Cyberconf; founding director of the ACTLab and Convergent Media area; and spiritual leader of the cadre of mad, brilliant people who inhabit it.
More info about:
- Biographical info
- Where I live
- Almost-complete, almost-updated list of publications
- The International Conference on Cyberspace
- Tani's home page
- Downloadable photos
- Near and Dear
- Transgender
- Chocolate
- Our Lady of the Perpetual Server
- CERN Accelerator Laboratory for Network Collision
LOTS more info about
To find out more about my two major personae than you ever wanted to know, click here for Allucquere or here for Sandy, and see what happens...
The Intimate StoneCam
This is a view of what's happening in my work area at the moment (actually a framegrab from my CU-SeeMe datastream), updated more or less automatically every so often. An intimate glimpse into The Stoneworld. (Note: Some upgrade or other broke this thing and I don't have time to fix it, so every once in a while I change the pix by hand. So sue me.)
What I teach
New Media (which has a way of becoming Old Media really fast); Film and video production; cultural theory; gender and sexuality; interface and interaction; art-'n-technology; performance. Most recent courses: the graduate seminar Theories of Interaction (RTF393P) and the undergraduate production course Advanced Production for Video and Film (RTF343P). In fall 1996 The Challenge of Multimedia (RTF 331P). Fall 1995 and spring 1996 Theory and Methods of an Unnameable Discourse, about virtual systems theory and That Thing Called Interaction (RTF393P). In Fall 1996 the menu includes Postmodern Gothic, about monsters, gender, and battles over the meaning of "human". Virtual Environments, Cyberspace and the Arts with Yacov Sharir, of the Dance Department. The graduate seminar Gender, Sexuality and Performance, about, well, gender, sexuality and performance. In 1997: Web Art; Building and studying Avatar Worlds; and more grad seminars in the collision zone of art, technology, and culture. In 1998, Gender and Sexuality at the Millennium: The Future of Desire , the continuing graduate saga in advanced interaction theory, and a slew of special projects. I'm on leave during Fall 1998 and most of 1999, returning to the actlab in September '99 in time for the exciting Y2K crisis...
My research interests
The traffic in the boundaries between art and technology, which includes performance and performance theory; interface and interaction; cyberspace; virtual systems; desire, gender and sexuality, and transgender studies in relation to communication prosthetics. The complex interplay of science fiction and fictions of science.
Major hangouts of my tribe
Or whatever you call us. If you're interested in what I do, check these out.
Banff Centre for the Arts
Ars Electronica
International Conference on Cyberspace
ISEA: International Society for Electronic Arts
McLuhan Programme in Culture and Technology (currently changing its url)
ZKM Center for Art and Mediatech (German language only)
Where Theory and Performance Collide
(Photo: The Vampire's Kiss, a "theoryperformance"; Sydney, Australia. Courtesy of Lisa Alexander and
A large part of my research interest is in how the concept of the university is changing, in response to a gradual deprivileging of physical texts and the steady erosion of support for public education in the U.S. Part of this work involves studying how traditional methods of academic communication evolve in novel virtual milieux, and in particular how the use of new creative techniques of scholarship such as performance theory relate to the more familiar styles of paper presentation at academic gatherings. In this work, my own history as a performance artist has been extremely useful. *grin!*
High Risk Baby: 8Cyberconf in Budapest
Maybe I saw you there.
6Cyberconf in Oslo
Maybe I met you there. Home Page with links to previous Cyberconfs and other info.
A few recent publications...
(MIT Press)
Available in paperback and in translation in six languagesYou can Get more info...or... order online here.
There are also a few articles online that you might find of interest: Violation and Virtuality , on multiple personality and desire. Note that this piece is an interweaving of several chapters now in Desire and Technology -- this was the original version, later disentangled for the book. I still prefer it this way...
- What Vampires Know , on dangerous knowledges and eternal life;
- The Empire Strikes Back: A Posttranssexual Manifesto , a net-version of the 1988 essay on identity, power, and authentic voice;
- Mondo 2000 Interview , the original unexpurgated version with a cast of thousands;
- Techno-Prosthetics and Exterior Presence: A Conversation With Sandy Stone, in SPEED V.1.2. Almost embarrassingly unedited, in that, wallowing in Tequila Sunrises and Santa Barbara warmth, I occasionally manage to sound like a tongue-tangled loon; but we had fun anyway...
Where to find latest publications on Stonely subjects
has a short interview called Sex and Death Among the Cyborgs, by Susan Stryker. It's mostly eviscerated of substantive issues -- no fault of Stryker's -- though it includes a surprising amount of theoretical language; but it does mention the cat adventure, which hasn't been written up anywhere else. And it has two interesting photos. I love Wired's layout and artwork. (Presently we'll post the full unedited interview, in which you'll notice some rather startling differences from Wired's version.;-))
21C, has an article called Liquid Identity, by Frances Dyson. Terrific photos, interestingly processed. 21C started as an Australian magazine on art and technology, currently being revived in New York... extremely well designed, highly intelligent editing.
- The New York Times Book Review, 17 December 1995, had a terrific review of the hardback rfelease of The War of Desire and Technology. Thanks to Bob Prior, my agent Sandra Dijkstra, and everyone who helped make this project a reality.
- ARTFORUM, September issue: "How Like a Goddess: An interview with Allucquere Rosanne Stone", by Thyrza N. Goodeve, who has a delicate, thoughtful touch. The article is lovely, and the morph that runs along the bottom of four pages of the piece is priceless.
- CMC Magazine, March 1, 1996, has an interesting (and highly hypertextual) review essay by Leslie Regan Shade, entitled The Gendered Mystique. (I also got a kick out of the intro to the essay, Just Who Is This Woman?.
- There's also a brief squib from the Incorporations piece in Wired's January '96 issue. They call it the Meat Manifesto *giggle*...
- Kulturrådet has a great short piece by Ingamaj Beck titled Sandy Stone - I virtuella vatten (in Swedish only), with spiffo B&W pix from the 1995 Kulturhuset performance. More info? Send email.
-, a slick, slick mag, has a nice spread by Rosanne Bersten on the Sydney Biennale, with some cool color photos of the Powerhouse Museum performance; Stonepix collectors take note! More info: Send email.
- MESH has Would you make love to a stick figure?, an interview by Julie Clarke that we conducted in the delightful and noisy Manhattan Cafe. Info: Send email.
- TranSisters, a formerly up-and-coming (but now on vacation) journal of transsexual feminism, has a very nice piece by Davina Anne Gabriel in the Spring 1995 issue, titled Interview With the Transsexual Vampire: Sandy Stone's Dark Gift. A good starting point if you've already read The Empire Strikes Back and are looking for what happens next, as it were. More info: Send email. Better hurry, though, as Davina has expressed a desire to retire from the fray for a time.
- I've heard about an article titled Möten Utan Människor ("Bodiless Joining"?, how's my Swedish?), about the 1995 Göteborg performance. It has a pic of me next to those liquid-metal folk making love in "Lawnmower Man". No further info at this time.
- That's all for now, folks. Keep in mind that not all the articles on this stuff come to my attention, even if they're about if you see something that isn't mentioned here, or see something that you think I'd find interesting, please let me know.
At long last... Finally... Downloadable Stone photos.
Forget those endless phone calls and faxes. Say goodbye to my waffling and my publicity people's thrashing. With both the pix and the bio selection or long academic bio online, just click and your troubles are over...and we can all get a good night's sleep.
...And more weird friends...
NOTE: This section is still under construction and some of the links are not yet in place. If you liked some of what you found here, you'll probably like meeting
- Aviva Rosenstein
- Jon Lebkowsky
- Brenda Laurel
- Rob Tow
- Steve Shaviro
- Marcos Novak
- Amy Bruckman
- Manuel deLanda
- Kate Bornstein
Sandy's Hot Liszt
Still under construction, but worth the wait...
Meanwhile, you could check out:
- Cynbe's immense hot list
- The Doom Patrols, a theoretical ficton about postmodernism
- Scott's Mega-Hot List
- Kashka's Revenge
- Neil Gaiman page
- Tori Amos page
- The Alan Turing homepage
Last Updated 9 May 2000
Send comments to:
Allucquere Rosanne (Sandy) Stone Department of Radio-TV-Film The University of Texas at Austin CMA6.118 Austin, TX 78712 USA
"Damn the tortillas, full beer ahead!" --Anon.
Copyright (c)(p) 1995, 1996, 2000 Allucquere Rosanne Stone. Tank Girl(r) image copyright (c) 1995 by Jamie Hewlett, Alan Martin, & Deadline Magazine. Death related indicium may be copyright (c) 1993 by DC comics, depending upon legal minutiae; in any event, the character was created by Neil Gaiman and Mike Dringenberg (and originally, Sam Kieth). AltaVista is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation.
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